Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lose Fat At Home: The Busy (Lazy) Fitness Practitioner

Yes, we know, life can be busy (you want to be lazy and not go to the gym). Work, errands, chores at home, all of these things can get in the way of the time you need to get outside for a run, or to hit the gym for some fat-burning workouts (you hate working out and like to sit on the couch and eat chips). If only you had the time (you do, you just don't want to leave the house... the house is so comfy, i mean, really).

Okay, enough internal dialogue. One of the best pieces of practical advice for losing weight is to hit the gym, of course, but if you just can't do it, or don't want to, there are a million other things you can do, even right at home, that will add to your activity level and help you burn fat while going about your daily life.

For my extended feature on these tips, and other resources, please visit my page on Squidoo at this link: Lose Some Fat at Home, or just goto this address:

If you are looking for dieting tips, I highly recommend this great diet system called Strip That Fat, which you can explore here.

Best Food To Lose Fat

See Which Food will Help Lose Fat

You can't spell "to diet" without spelling "to die". Yes, it sucks big time to have to eat anything other than what you want to eat. Our bodies are not only wired to eat, but they are also wired to store fat, and they will burn muscle and other things before burning fat, so even with exercise it's sometimes an uphill battle to lose fat.

I think the old adage about eating healthy and exercising is always the best advice... fad diets don't work, low-carb diets just make you cranky, and starvation diets make you lose muscle mass and screw up your body in many unexpected ways. You also hear about people doing extreme things like using laxatives to lose weight, and this can only lead to drug addiction and dependency, and also doesn't work!

If you are looking for dieting tips, I highly recommend this great diet system called Strip That Fat, which you can explore here.

Or, for a good article on foods that help you burn fat, take a look at this page:

Lose Fat, Maintain Muscle the Smart Way

Lose Fat, Maintain Muscle

Many people are endlessly frustrated with diets that don't work, or are too hard to stick with because they leave you hungry and without engery. Ever tried eliminating carbs from your diet completely in one of those no-carb fad diets? It doesn't really work in the long run, and you walk around totally cranky all the time because the human body needs carbs, and wants them for energy, so it's kind of unnatural to deny them to your body.

The other problem many dieters face is that they deny themselves food, then try to work out and discover they have no energy for it, leaving them tired, cranky, frustrated, and STILL FAT.

One of the biggest mistakes that people make is not addressing the way that diet and exercise work together, and dealing with the relationship between fat and muscle.

The best way to get in shape is to burn fat, maintain muscle, and eat healthy to lose weight, with all of these things done in balance. Muscle maintenance helps you burn fat because it keeps your metabolism hot, so your body will use more calories. It's basic science.

To learn more about how to lose fat, maintain muscle, and combine your diet and workout for an optimal body, take a look at some other info I put together:

Or, to look at a review of a system called Strip That Fat, which gives you thousands of effective diet combinations and realistic advice on how to lose fat and maintain muscle, click here

Strip That Fat: Fabulous Diet Plan

I know many people who have spent a lot of money trying new diet plans or going on Weight Watchers, with mixed results. As a fitness enthusiast, I have always been a healthy eater and enjoy the type of exercise that keeps me in shape, however I know that not everyone is that way. Some people could use a system that lets them eat a variety of things, doesn't deprive them of some of the tastier foods, and doesn't require them to exercise constantly to lose fat. I know of a good system to recommend that provides all of these things. I am an affiliate of this product which means that I will benefit by recommending them, but I would not recommend them if I didn't think it was a great system. It's called Strip That Fat, and I'd hold this up against any of the popular and trendy diet plans out there. It really works, and it's not radical at all... it lets you eat hundreds of different foods in hundreds of different combinations.

Check it out here: Strip That Fat Diet System

Or to read a review of the product, go here: Strip That Fat Diet Review

Be Happy, Be Healthy!!

How to Use Laxatives to Lose Weight

How to Use Laxatives for Weight Loss

This title is a bit misleading, because you're not going to hear me say that you should use laxatives. But I want to get the word out there, and this headline may attract some internet searchers looking for advice on this dangerous practice. Here's the real deal on laxatives... they do NOT work as a weight loss technique. Here's the top 3 reasons:

1. They only strip you system of water in the long run, not calories
2. They can cause a chemical dependency... yes, a drug problem
3. They can damage your long term health by causing constipation, which can result in many other issues with your digestive system.

These are only 3 quick reasons why laxatives are not a good idea, and why you should shy away from this extreme dieting technique. For a more complete article on the use of laxatives for weight loss, including a full description of the side effects, look here:

Or, if you are looking for dieting tips, I highly recommend this great diet system called Strip That Fat, which you can explore here.

No matter what you do, be smart and stay safe!

Let's Get Sexy!

Hi everyone! I'm Courtney, and I'm starting this blog so I can write about all kinds of fitness topics. There is so much information out there on the web about fitness, but I'm going to focus on really practical advice that people can follow if they want to get in shape with minimal effort.

See, most people don't like exercise or dieting...they are not fun things to do, and are simply a means to an end. You don't want to eat rice cakes, but you do want to LOOK SEXY in a bathing suit. So any discussion of fitness has to be grounded in the reality of how people motivate themselves. Many people want to just get in shape by doing what comes easy, and doing things they can fit into their regular lives. This is the type of advice that I give.

So that is our goal... find easy things to do so that we can GET SEXY and stay that way.

Also, I'll be debunking several dieting MYTHS that are out there, which are infecting the internet and poisoning the minds of young and old people everywhere. My next post will be on one of these... the subject of using laxatives to lose weight.

Stay tuned, and thanks for reading!

For more of my articles and advice, check me out on Squidoo: